Analyze and Report Session (45 Mins)

Get a better webinar! You will get the most out of your existing webinar in as little as 45 minutes.

By the end of this session you will have a clear understanding of what you need to do to improve your webinar to increase registrations, attendance, and most importantly, sales.

We will work together 1 on 1 to do a full audit of your webinar script, settings, and plan. After our session I will send a report of actionable items for you to keep moving in the right direction

You Don't Need a TON Of Attendees!

83% of webinars have fewer than 50 live attendees

You just need to optimize the webinar you have.....

Who is The Analyze And Report Session For?

Any business that has an existing webinar they want to improve


What Should You Expect After You Book Your Session?

  • You will be sent to my calendar to book a time that is convenient for you

  • Once your payment has been processed I will send a Zoom link for us to meet live

  • I will audit your webinar before we meet to identify any potential issues


During Your Session I will....

  • Review all elements of your webinar. We can screen share and focus on areas that can be improved

  • Provide recommendations to improve on items like webinar topic, script, slides, opt in pages, and settings

  • Answer any questions you may have about your webinar


After Your Session I will....

  • Send you a screen recording of our session

  • Create and send a report of actionable steps to implement to further improve your webinar for the best results possible

Book Your 60 Minute Session Today For Just $147


Brand New To Webinars?

In today's digital age your potential clients demand

more than ever. Webinars are the perfect way for

just about any business to get more leads, calls, applications, sales, and loyalty. When you host a webinar the right way you will provide value, position your business as the authority create raving fans and buyers.

Need a Different Session?


I'm Brand New To Webinars!

Whether you are an in person or online business, just one webinar a month can make a massive difference in lead generation and revenue in your business.

If you're not sure where to start but want to get going with this whole webinar thing my Kickstart Call is a great place to start.

We will work together one on one for 60 minutes to get you setup with the basics and a deep understanding of the Hybrid Method. Then I will send you a complete report and checklist so you can be successful with your webinar creation.


I Need a Tech Reset!

If you're drowning in the tech part of your webinar it can prevent you from moving forward with this powerful money making method.

We will work together one on one for 30 minutes to trouble shoot all tech issues you may be having. Let's dig into the settings and get things working.

With knowledge of dozens of platforms, we can also dig into your tech stack to make sure you have the right tools in place to make webinars work for you. I will provide action items and recommendations after the session to keep you on the path to success!


What budget should I allocate for an influencer marketing campaign?

The budget for an influencer marketing campaign can vary widely depending on your goals and the influencers you work with. It's essential to consider factors like influencer fees, content creation costs, and any additional expenses such as giveaways or promotions. We work closely with our clients to tailor budgets that align with their objectives, ensuring maximum ROI.

What industries have you worked with in influencer marketing?

We have experience working with a wide range of industries, including fashion, beauty, technology, travel, food, fitness, and more. Our versatile approach allows us to tailor influencer marketing strategies to suit the unique needs and characteristics of various industries. Whether you're in a niche market or a broader industry, we have the expertise to create effective influencer campaigns.

Can you provide examples of successful influencer marketing campaigns you've executed in the past?

Certainly! We have a portfolio of successful influencer marketing campaigns that have achieved remarkable results for our clients. While each campaign is unique, we'd be happy to share case studies and examples that align with your industry and goals to demonstrate the impact of influencer marketing in driving brand awareness, engagement, and conversions.

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